Sales Leadership + Coaching


Leadership coaching is the most critical success factor in the sales transformation process, so we integrate the SALES LEADERSHIP & COACHING™ program into every engagement. This program is designed to enable sales leaders to perform their critical role more effectively.

In this program, sales leaders learn hands-on to improve coaching skills, and develop strategies to implement the concepts and tools from our sales programs to overcome potential obstacles. It is doubly effective when combined with the SALES DNA® LEADERSHIP ENABLEMENT program to integrate use of the individual sales competency radar which helps focus the coaching on the right areas for each member of the leader’s sales team.

The combination of pragmatic concepts and hands-on workshops in this program provide a “safe” environment in which to learn and practice coaching techniques and style – through observation, exercise and feedback.

The program can be extended through the Pit-Stops in which i+g facilitators guide leaders through account, opportunity, and sales funnel reviews with their sales teams, and provide feedback to improve coaching style to reinforce knowledge and skills with hands-on facilitated reviews.

For the salesperson, the leadership program provides:

  • More focused, personalised and meaningful coaching, that helps improve skills more quickly and effectively without “over-direction” common in corrective management interventions
  • More meaningful opportunity reviews that focus on improving the sales process and overcoming the selling risks

For the sales leader, the leadership program provides:

  • A proven framework and hands-on practice plus peer and facilitator feedback in real-world observation to improve coaching skills and style
  • A support network within the leadership team to continually improve coaching through peer observation and feedback
  • Better results from coaching interventions that result in sustainable changes in the sales team, by focusing on individual requirements and providing the right input to change behaviour to the desired model